
The world's first prepper health spa

Come to one of the best and most unusual health spas/resorts in the U.S. Learn how you can live healthier, eat better, sleep more soundly, strengthen your immune system, lose weight and increase your chances of living longer. On this website, we will explain what makes our spa different from other spas. As an example, we will be featuring dishes from the following diets:

      1. The Anti-Insulin Resistance Diet
      2. The Mediterranean Diet
      3. The Okinawa Diet
      4. The Anti-aging Diet
      5. The Wheatgrass and Green Juice Diet, and much, much more.

The urgency of the moment–the U.S.A. spends the most of any nation on earth on healthcare, but our longevity is pretty bad and getting worse every year.


Click on the image above for a larger version.

Learn how to prevent degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and so on. Learn where cancer comes from, how it originated, why certain things cause cancer and why other things prevent cancer, and much, much more. (See our other website, originofcancer.com, for more information.)

We will also have courses in prepping, where our guests can learn how to prepare for the coming hard times. We will have lectures on how you can eat healthy even when the SHTF and all the grocery stores (including health food stores) are closed.

So, come to Earthsong Health Spa and restore your health. Call XXX-XXX-XXXXX or e-mail us.

Thank you.